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It's 100% Free To Join ToucanWin [No Credit Card Required]. Sign Up As A Bidfluencer, Auctionpreneur, Or Bidder To Share, Sell, And Win Your Way To The Top Of The ToucanWin Penny Auction Flock.
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ToucanWin Penny Auctions2 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsJoin the ToucanWin Fire Side Chats with Kelley Foote, every Monday, Register
Wednesday, and Friday, LIVE on on Facebook · ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions2 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsBidfluencers earn commission just for referring active bidders. #pennyauction #auctions #onlineauctions #mlm #selfemployedPhotoView on Facebook · ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions3 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsJoin the ToucanWin Fire Side Chats with Kelley Foote, every Monday, Wednesday, Penny and Friday, LIVE on on Facebook · ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions3 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsDirect sales. Multi-level marketing. Paid on COMPANY-WIDE EFFORTS! #influencerincome #onlineauction #mlm #supplementalincomeVideoView on Facebook · ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions4 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsWhat is ToucanWin?#onlineauctions #workfromhome #influencerincomeVideoView on Facebook · Auction ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions4 weeks agoToucanWin Penny AuctionsJoin the ToucanWin Fire Side Chat with Kelley Foote, 8 pm EST on YouTubeToucanWin Penny Auctions - your videos with friends, family, and the worldView on Facebook · ShareToucanWin Penny Auctions4 weeks agoToucanWin Penny Auctions Have a happy and successful new year! #HappyNewYear #successin2023PhotoView on Facebook · Share
Bidfluencer is an individual that uses their ability to attract and motivate consumers to join the ToucanWin flock by promoting or recommending our services and products.

But wait why would I do that?
Good question, great minds do think alike. In short, you and your team start earning 10% of every dollar you bring to the ToucanWin table and it only goes up from there.

Hmmmm... not convinced?
ToucanWin's innovative business model and marketing plan are going to flip the penny auction industry on its' head, but wait where did this all come from...?

Two Industry leaders...
Kelley Foote and Don Fiechter came together creating this "Category Changing" Business Plan.
Auctionpreneurs are the individuals putting their items up for auction.

Show me the MONEY !!
Auctionpreneurs put their items up for auction and set a reserve. After the auction successfully completes they are paid their reserve + 30% of the net profit from their auction.

If you are not familiar with how the bidding process works head over to the bidder path here to learn more.

For example, an Auctionpreneur puts a $25,000 Rolex Submariner up for auction. The auction meets the reserve and sells for $3000. The Lucky bidder just got a $25,000 watch for $3000.

Now, the auction sold for $3000 dollars or 300,000 pennies which means $300,000 dollars in bids were performed...

Oh, indeed. The Auctionpreneur will be compensated their reserve price of $25,000 + 30% of the remaining net profit of $275,000....


$25,000 (Reserve) + $82,500 (30%) = $107,500

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Bidders, where you can win big prizes for just a few pennies! Bidders are the lifeblood of the flock, you are here for the opportunity to WIN your favorite merchandise 20%-95% OFF retail value!

How do the auctions work?
All of our auctions start at $0.00.

Sign up All auctions will have a reserve price that must be met in order for the auction to be considered "live".

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What happens when I place a bid?
Each bid placed adds 1 penny to the auction price and will add 15-20 seconds each time a new bid is placed. If no new bids come in during the next 15-20 seconds, you win!

What does a "live" auction mean?
Once an auction is "live" that means the Auctionpreneurs reserve has been met, no new bidders may participate in the auction and the bid wars begin!!

What happens if the reserve is not met?
If an auction's reserve is not met it is never considered "live" and all bids are refunded to their respective bidders.


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